Monday, May 21, 2007

Burlington Update

Okay, I got some sleep, and I'm a little bit more like my normal self.

Burlington was fun, and it was really wonderful to see everyone again. It had been way too long since Alex and I had seen each other, and I hope it isn't that long 'til I see him again. And Alex? Of course I'd come again! I apologize again for my hasty departure, and my lack of energy. By the time I left, my wheels had fallen off (ask Mark about that some day) and I just needed to get on the road. And a loooong road it was. It didn't seem that long on the way over...

Unfortunately, we will have to wait and see if Steve got any pictures over the weekend, because I left my camera battery at home in the charger. I can't go anywhere without forgetting one crucial part of my plan.

Got to see Lake Champlain, which I haven't seen in nine years. It's such a beautiful place. We went to a few bookstores, and that second used bookstore we went to? The huge one? What's that called? I think that that place alone will convince Mark to come with me next time. I could lose him in there for days. We had lots of good food, including Alex's excellent Sh*t waffles. Oh, Alex? The Poke Method of testing done-ness in a steak is actually a legitimate method, as you can read here. And even though for some reason every yarn store in Vermont is closed on Sunday, Kate and Steve came through in the end, and took me to the local Ben Franklin, which by the way, is nothing like our crappy one. They had a really great and unexpected yarn selection. I ended up buying more Cherry Tree Hill Yarn, and some Crystal Palace Panda Wool.

All in all, it was worth the trip, and I'm so glad I went. Thank you all again!

1 comment:

Kate said...

it was a nice mellow weekend. we were all a little dazed and confused from our work week, so low key was just fine.

we DO have photo evidence that suggests heather and kate cooked all the food while alex stood on the deck and supervised. oh, and kate did all the weeding too. heather had to love up the cats (from their behavior, i think they don't get any attention at all!), which kept her busy.

sneaky old alex, getting so much accomplished with very little effort.

steve, in his usual fashion, stayed (mostly) out of trouble. there was a freak high tide incident at the lake that left him a lot more than a little wet.