Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Holy Weather and Weirdness, Batman!

Not only has it been snowing here ALL DAY LONG, but we had an earthquake. A real, honest to god earthquake. Our building is pretty solid, but the place shook and there was a booming noise that sounded like someone had crashed in to the building. If this is what we have to look forward to around here, I don't like it, not one little bit! This is the sixth quake that we have had in the immediate vicinity of where I work since last spring. A few of them have been so minor that I didn't really notice them. the last one we had over the summer was a 1.9 on the Richter scale. So far I've heard that today's quake was anywhere from a 2.4 to a 3.2, depending on who you ask. I hate to be a baby, but it really had us scared here for a while. We really had no idea what it was and it sounded like a bomb had gone off.

That's it - nothing else to report!


Kate said...

i rather expected you to say "just kidding" or to be using "earthquake" as an alternate phrase for "major issues at work". we've had a couple in vermont that i remember, and it felt like a tractor trailer had driven into our house. good old life, never boring!

Heather said...

I can remember little ones when I was a kid, with dishes rattling and that sort of thing. This one apparently had it's "epicenter" right here, underneath us. We had another biggish one this past summer, but it was about half as strong so it wasn't as big a deal. I had no idea it would be so loud or jolting. I guess I never really thought about it that much!

yarnophiliac said...

Sorry you had such a scare! Crazy to think that is relatively so close to me (So. NH) and I had no clue until this evenings news.

Heather said...

I know, what are we doing with earthquakes in New Hampshire? I guess there were a few houses down the street in Rye that had some damage. I guess I should be glad I work in a giant cinder block.